Action Mesothelioma Day (AMD) is an annual event to raise awareness and pay tribute to everyone who’s lives have been affected by Mesothelioma. SWASAG marked this occasion on Friday 2nd July 2021 at St Mellion Resort Hotel in Saltash. Due to some government restrictions still being in place SWASAG managed to host a very informative day for a limited number of friends, supporters and families including people from both our Plymouth and Truro groups whom have been diagnosed with mesothelioma and their loved ones.
The day started with a very inspiring presentation from Dr John Corcoran Consultant Chest Physician at Derriford hospital, about the progress being made in diagnosis and treatments for Mesothelioma. Following questions a two course lunch was provided with an opportunity to chat amongst each other. Following lunch, Christine Jones, Mesothelioma UK Nurse presented to the group a talk on how Covid 19 was affecting the care of patients with Mesothelioma.
It was a beautiful sunny day, where albeit limited to bubbles everyone enjoyed meeting and sharing experiences, even more so because of the pandemic.
The afternoon finished with an emotional butterfly release by Vera Davies and Debbie Rimmer in memory of lost loved ones due to Mesothelioma. This was very poignant moment as both Vera & Debbie sadly lost their husbands to Mesothelioma during the pandemic. Both Bill and Alastair were very active members of SWASAG.
Thanks goes to specialist asbestos disease law firms, Hugh James, Thompson Solicitors, Novum Law who attended the day, also to Slater & Gordon for kindly sponsoring the butterfly release. Thanks also goes to Christine Jones Mesothelioma UK Nurse who attended along with her fantastic team from Derriford Hospital. Finally a huge thanks to all our patients, carers and loved ones who made the event such a success and special day for everyone